Rajaya Sabha MP, Vaddiraju Ravichandra, criticized the Congress party’s “Six guarantee schemes” during a gathering of BRS cadres and leaders. He claimed that these schemes had failed in Karnataka and were just election theatrics. However, he confidently stated that the BRS candidate in Kothagudem would win and give a gift to Chief Minister KCR.
During his speech, Ravichandra urged party members to ensure the success of Chief Minister’s Praja Ashirwada Sabha in Kothagudem on November 5. He believed that over 80,000 people would attend this important event.
In meetings with leaders and activists from different areas, Ravichandra stressed the importance of winning the upcoming Assembly elections.
The BRS Kothagudem assembly candidate, Vanama Venkateswara, praised the BRS government for the development of Kothagudem. Venkateswara credited the government’s dedicated efforts for the remarkable improvements in the area.