Dr. Mallu Ravi, the Member of Parliament for Nagar Kurnool, visited Gadwal and checked the progress of the Government Medical College construction. He wants it to be ready for the academic year. Dr. Ravi, along with other officials, also looked at the District Hospital construction.
The construction of the medical college has cost Rs. 39 crores so far. Dr. Ravi asked for more funds to finish the work and start classes for 50 students in 2024-25. He also noticed a shortage of staff at the local hospital and asked for more medical professionals.
Dr. Ravi spoke with health department officials to ensure hospitals in the area have enough staff. He also suggested improving services at government hospitals in Achampet, Kalwakurty, and Kolhapur. During the visit, other key figures like Medical College Principal Parvathi and local public representatives were present.
Overall, Dr. Mallu Ravi wants to speed up the construction of the Government Medical College and ensure better medical services in the area.