Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, also known as KCR, will announce the first list of around 50 party candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections. He has informed party leaders about their candidature and asked them to start working. Many sitting members of the state Assembly will be retained, but there are some changes in places where conflicts have arisen between new and old leaders. For example, in Tandur, MLA Pilot Rohit Reddy has been chosen over MLC Patnam Mahender Reddy.
Some of the candidates finalized by KCR include himself for the Gajwel constituency, Kotha Prabhakar Reddy for Dubbaka, KT Rama Rao for Sircilla, T Harish Rao for Siddipet, and Bhupal Reddy for Narayankhed. In the city limits, candidates like Ch Malla Reddy for Medchal, Mynampally Hanumanth Rao for Malkajgiri, and Madhavaram Krishna Rao for Kukatpally have been finalized. In other areas, candidates like V Srinivas Goud for Mahbubnagar, Ch Laxma Reddy for Jadcharla, and D Vinay Bhaskar for Warangal West have been chosen.
These are just some of the candidates who will be running in the upcoming Assembly elections. The full list will be announced soon.