The visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Telangana has caused political tensions. Before the announcement of the election schedule, Modi made various announcements and took part in development programs. This led to a verbal conflict between BRS and BJP leaders.
During his visit, Modi announced the establishment of the Turmeric Board and Tribal University. However, the BRS leaders, including ministers, criticized him for not addressing the PalamuruRangareddy Lift Irrigation project. Finance Minister T Harish Rao questioned the BJP leaders’ efforts in fulfilling their promise of the Turmeric Board over the past nine years. He also raised concerns about the national project status for Telangana projects, stating that Modi’s announcements were nothing new and were already promised in the AP Reorganisation Act.
Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy questioned the PM’s 2014 election promise and expressed disappointment over the lack of declaration for the Palamuru project. He also criticized the Centre for not deciding on the Krishna water share. Reddy raised concerns about the implementation of roads worth Rs 13,500 crore and the burden of toll collection on common people. He accused the BJP of lacking awareness by announcing the Turmeric Board and Tribal University in Palamuru.
Panchayat Raj Minister ErrabelliDayakar Rao accused Modi of insulting Telangana from Delhi and questioned the sincerity of his promises. He criticized the BJP leaders for their gimmicks and stated that people were not ready to believe them.
Overall, Modi’s visit to Telangana before the election schedule has sparked political tensions and led to a verbal conflict between BRS and BJP leaders.