Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, the BJP candidate who won from Chevella, credited his victory to his own efforts and support from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He stated that the BJP’s success in winning eight seats was due to votes shifting from the BRS and Congress to the BJP.
Speaking to the media, Reddy assured that the party’s MPs would work closely with the state government to implement development projects in Telangana. He defended the BJP’s slogans of ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ and ‘Jai Shri Ram’, stating they were not against minorities, contrary to Congress claims. He emphasized that the BJP government at the Centre does not discriminate based on religion or any other factors.
Reddy outlined his priorities for the Chevella constituency, including expediting land acquisition for the Hyderabad-Bijapur highway and securing funds for a tourism project. He reaffirmed his commitment to address the issues highlighted in his election manifesto. Reddy also expressed determination to increase the BJP’s voter share to win upcoming Assembly elections.