Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Telangana for a two-day trip following successful trips to Tamil Nadu and Kerala. This visit comes after the conclusion of the 10-day Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra and the finalization of candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Modi is expected to arrive on March 4 and will participate in development programs in Adilabad district. He will begin the party’s election campaign with a public meeting. The Prime Minister will then stay overnight at Raj Bhavan before launching development programs in Sangareddy and addressing another public meeting on March 5.
The BJP had previously won four parliament seats in Telangana in the 2019 general elections and eight assembly seats in 2023. The party aims to win double-digit seats in the upcoming elections as part of its southern strategy.
The BJP is considering fielding new faces in the Hyderabad Lok Sabha segment, traditionally held by AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi. There is speculation that Modi may visit the Bhagya Lakshmi temple in the Old City during his visit, but party officials have not confirmed this.
Overall, Modi’s visit to Telangana is seen as a crucial part of the BJP’s election campaign strategy in the state.