Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a public meeting in Hyderabad on Saturday as part of Telangana BJP unit’s election campaign. The meeting is hosted by the Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi (MRPS) and Modi is expected to announce key decisions regarding the welfare of Scheduled Castes, particularly the Madiga community.
The meeting will take place at Parade Grounds in the evening and will be attended by Modi, his ministerial colleagues, and state BJP leaders. The BJP plans to hold a series of election meetings with Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, national BJP president J P Nadda, and others throughout the month.
Modi is scheduled to address the public meeting at 5 pm. He will arrive at Begumpet airport and travel to the meeting venue by road. Telangana BJP leaders, including Union Minister G Kishan Reddy, Rajya Sabha MP K Laxman, election campaign committee chairman Eatala Rajender, national general secretary Bandi Sanjay Kumar, and others will also be present.
The MRPS has been demanding the categorization of Scheduled Castes nationwide so that each group can avail quota in proportion to their population. The Telangana government has criticized the Centre for ignoring the resolution adopted in the Assembly regarding this issue. It remains to be seen how the PM will react or if he will address this criticism during the meeting.