Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent public meeting in Hyderabad has caused mixed reactions among the state’s political parties. While the state BJP is pleased with Modi’s criticism of the ruling party in Telangana, the BRS and Congress parties were disappointed with his visit. The BRS expressed anger over Modi’s remarks, with Vice-President of Planning Commission B Vinod Kumar accusing the PM of lying about the state’s lack of cooperation with the Central government. The Congress party, on the other hand, felt that Modi did not announce any new schemes for the state.
Modi’s mention of ‘Parivarvaad’ (dynastic politics) breeding corruption has irked political leaders in the state. Without naming any names, he accused ‘Parivarvaad’ of looting even the ration given to the poor in Telangana. He stressed that progress of a state was important for overall national growth but a handful of people who encourage ‘parivarvaad’ are trying to see where they can reap benefits from projects being implemented for the people of Telangana. He asked people if acts of corruption should be probed or not, amidst cheers from the public.
Modi expressed his unhappiness over the non-cooperation from the state government in taking up developmental activities in Telangana. He appealed to the BRS government not to obstruct developmental activities being planned for the people of the state, as this attitude affects the dreams of the people of the state. He also tweeted a warning to Telangana to be careful of those who are scared of development works and only want to see their family flourish.