MLC Kavitha, who is currently in Tihar Jail in connection with the Delhi liquor scam case, will have her bail petitions heard at the Rouse Avenue Court on Monday. She has cited health issues in her bail plea, which the court will consider.
Kavitha was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in Hyderabad on March 15 and brought to Delhi for court proceedings. After being interrogated by the ED, she was placed in judicial custody and sent to Tihar Jail on March 26. Subsequently, the CBI also arrested her while she was in Tihar Jail.
Despite her request for interim bail for her son’s exams, the court denied it due to concerns about the impact on society. Kavitha has filed petitions for bail in both the ED and CBI cases, citing her health problems as a reason.
The judicial custody of Kavitha in both cases is set to end soon. If the bail petitions are rejected, she may face an extension of her custody for another 14 days.