Kalvakuntla Kavitha, the president of Bharat Jagruti and an MLC, has released a video on her official social media accounts where she sings a Bathukamma song. In the video, she is seen singing with popular folk singers. Kavitha has appealed to the people of Telangana to share their favorite Bathukamma songs by tagging Bharat Jagruthi on social media or sending entries through a designated phone number. The organization will record new songs based on the entries received. Bharat Jagruthi already has a collection of over 150 Bathukamma songs. Kavitha urges more people to participate as the state prepares for the Bathukamma festival. Kavitha has been actively involved in promoting social harmony and brotherhood through Bathukamma practices and celebrations. She participates in and celebrates Bathukamma with people from Telangana all over the world.
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