Finance and Health Minister T Harish Rao addressed a training programme for people’s representatives and officials in Siddipet on Sunday. He highlighted the fact that around 15 lakh people die of cardiac arrest annually and that valuable lives can be saved if people provide CPR after undergoing training. The MLC Farooq Hussain, ZP chairperson Roja Sharma, collector Prashant Jeevan Patil, and DMHO Dr. Kasinath were present at the event. During the programme, the MLC and collector demonstrated CPR as the minister watched on.
Rao emphasized that approximately 4,000 people die every day across India due to cardiac arrest, and only one percent of these individuals are able to survive. When blood flow stops to the brain, a person is declared dead. However, if CPR is administered immediately, many lives can be saved. The government has taken up CPR training as a premier awareness programme, and so far, 36,500 individuals have been trained in 1,860 batches across the State. Each trainer is giving training to 20 persons in a day.
The minister also noted that the department would purchase AED machines costing Rs.15 crore to be provided at PHCs. He said that CPR should be performed if a person suffers a cardiac arrest. By doing so, many lives can be saved.