In Rangareddy, Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar praised the Rajiv Arogyashri Scheme for its positive impact on the community. The government has increased the ‘Arogyasree’ limit from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs. This program allows people to access medical treatments and surgeries for 1383 diseases and 289 medical disorders.
During his speech, MLA Shankar mentioned the challenges faced by the previous government. He criticized them for not providing enough support to medical officers and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also highlighted the lack of employment opportunities and services for individuals in various positions.
Former MLA C. Pratap Reddy and ZPTCs were present at the event. MLA Shankar appreciated the efforts of employees and activists in Telangana, stating that the state is working together to meet the needs of the people.