Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar has brought to light significant irregularities in the allocation of double-bedroom houses, alleging that the previous government’s distribution efforts were marred by bogus allotments to ineligible beneficiaries. Speaking at a media conference held at the MLA’s camp office on Monday, Shankar underscored the need to rectify these discrepancies and ensure that deserving individuals receive housing assistance.
Shankar criticized the previous government’s handling of double-bedroom house allocations, asserting that names were arbitrarily listed without proper verification of eligibility. He emphasized the importance of identifying genuine beneficiaries and vowed to address the issue with transparency and accountability.
Expressing concern over the lack of scrutiny from the media regarding previous administrations’ actions, Shankar urged journalists to question and investigate such irregularities. He emphasized the pivotal role of the media in holding authorities accountable and facilitating transparent governance.
Shankar highlighted the need for constructive dialogue between the government and the media to address housing allocation issues effectively. He pledged to work collaboratively with journalists to ensure that deserving individuals receive the housing support they require for their welfare.
Acknowledging the media’s role in highlighting discrepancies and fostering accountability, Shankar expressed his respect for journalists and pledged to welcome constructive criticism. He emphasized the importance of transparency and vowed to address concerns raised by the media with diligence and sincerity.
The media conference witnessed the participation of several Congress leaders, including Mohammed Ali Khan Babar, Raghu, Chendi Tirupati Reddy, and others.