MLA Palvai Harish Babu recently interacted with tribal priests at Polepally village during the Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra. Party leaders Gangidi Manohar Reddy and Perika Suresh were also present at the event.
During the event, MLA Harish expressed his support for the BJP, citing the rapid progress witnessed by the nation in the past 10 years under PM Modi’s leadership. The Vijaya Sankalp Yatra of Krishna cluster had entered Nalgonda district at Dindi after passing through Mahabubnagar district.
Speaking at a mandal-level public meeting, MLA Harish highlighted the achievements and milestones of the BJP-led central government and praised Modi’s leadership. He criticized the Congress party for its past actions and urged people to strengthen Modi’s hands for internal and external security.
At Polepally village, MLA Harish promised to raise tribal issues in the assembly, emphasizing the importance of addressing their concerns.