MLA Shri Ganesh actively participated in a three-day special puja program dedicated to Sri Muthialamma Devi. The event showcased rituals such as the Mahasnapanam and Nava Chandi Homam, performed on the Panchaloha idol of the goddess. These sacred ceremonies were conducted with 81 Kalashas and 81 drayas, attracting a large gathering of devoted worshippers.
While sharing his joy about the event, MLA Ganesh announced that the life-giving ceremony for the Muthialamma idol is scheduled for tomorrow, December 11th, at 8 AM. He encouraged the community to participate in large numbers and take part in the spiritual occasion, underscoring the importance of collective devotion.
The upcoming ceremony will also be graced by prominent personalities such as Endowment Department Minister Konda Surekha, District In-charge Minister Ponnam Prabhakar, the District Collector, and the Endowment Department Commissioner. Their presence highlights the significance of the event for the local community.
In his speech, MLA Ganesh expressed gratitude to the Endowment Department and the Police Department for their efforts in successfully organizing the puja program. The event also saw the participation of local corporator Kontam Deepika and an enthusiastic crowd of devotees, reflecting the community’s cultural and spiritual unity.
The vibrant celebrations not only showcased devotion but also brought together people from all walks of life to honor their shared heritage and faith.