Residents of Prakash Nagar area in Hyderabad protested against Khairatabad MLA Danam Nagender. They gathered in front of the Praja Bhavan on Tuesday to express their grievances. The residents claimed that Danam Nagender was taking over their lands through his follower Sudhir Goud. They accused the MLA of attempting to occupy the places that were originally allocated to them during the time of former CM Y S Rajasekhar Reddy. The residents also alleged that they were being threatened by Danam’s followers, preventing them from filing a complaint against him.
In response to the situation, the residents lodged a complaint at Begumpet police station, stating that they were even threatened in front of Praja Bhavan by the MLA’s followers. They urged Chief Minister Revanth Reddy to provide them with protection from Danam Nagender and his followers. The residents reported that rowdy mobs were frequently coming to their neighborhood in the middle of the night, causing fear and distress.