Hyderabad: The Chief Minister of Telangana, KCR, recently announced the list of candidates for the ruling BRS party for the upcoming assembly elections. However, some sitting MLAs who were hoping for a ticket but were denied by the party are now expressing their discontent. KCR has selected candidates for 115 assembly seats, with changes made to the sitting MLAs in nine seats. Those who didn’t receive tickets are now rebelling against KCR’s decision.
These disgruntled MLAs are now considering switching sides in hopes of contesting the elections as an MLA. They are exploring options with the BJP and the Congress parties, both of which are already trying to attract dissatisfied leaders from the ruling party. Talks are underway with leaders who were not given tickets by the BRS party.
One example of a denied ticket is the Vemulawada seat, which was not given to sitting MLA Chennamaneni Ramesh by KCR. Instead, the ticket was given to Chalmeda Lakshmi Narasimha Rao, chairman of the Chalmeda Institutes of Medical Sciences. It remains to be seen whether Ramesh will remain in the BRS party and cooperate with Chalmeda or seek another path. Ramesh appears to be carefully planning his next steps for his future in Vemulawada, as indicated by a social media post where he mentioned self-respect, revealing his inner self-esteem.