The State Minister for Panchayat Raj Rural Development Women and Child Welfare, Dr. Danasari Anasuya Seethakka, recently launched a new RTC bus at the bus stand in Eturu Nagaram mandal, Mulugu district. This bus will operate trips to Narsimha Sagar village in Mangapet mandal.
During a special ceremony, Dr. Danasari Anasuya Seethakka worshipped the bus before starting its services on Tuesday. Various suggestions were discussed, and officials were instructed to prepare for establishing a bus depot in Eturu Nagaram mandal center and upgrading the bus stand in Mulugu district center.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by the District Collector, Additional Collector, and RTC officials. This new initiative aims to enhance transportation facilities in the region and make it easier for residents to travel within and beyond the district.