Minister KTR: Minister KTR expressed that the opposition parties are jealous of Chief Minister KCR who is working tirelessly for the people. He attended a progress review meeting in Thirumalagiri, Tungathurthy, in the Suryapet district. During this occasion, he inaugurated several development projects. He also mentioned that the victory in Tungathurthy was possible because of the support of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the opposition parties have lost their relevance in the constituency.
Minister KTR informed that the stabilization of 36,481 acres of land has been achieved in Tungathurthy, which is under the Kaleshwaram Project. He also stated that 49,130 people in this constituency are receiving Aasara Pensions, and 2,300 individuals are benefiting from the financial assistance provided through the Dalit Bandhu program.
Regarding the issue of fluorosis affecting people’s health in the district, Minister KTR questioned how the Congress leaders, who are spreading false rumors, can be trusted. The Congress leaders have deceived people and played divisive politics in Telangana for 50 years. MLA Gadari Kishore demanded that Rs. 100 crore be allocated to the Municipality of Motkur. Chief Minister KTR assured that it will be included in the upcoming budgets and also requested MLA Gadari Kishore to win the next elections with a majority of at least 40,000 votes. Ministers Jagadish Reddy, MLCs, MLA Gadari Kishore Kumar, District ZP Chairman, and other officials were present at the event.