Hyderabad: Chief Minister KCR, also known as Minister KTR, stated that the initiatives of water, forests, and land are not just mere slogans but a reality. He mentioned that under the Mission Bhagiratha scheme, which aims to provide clean water to rural households, the state has witnessed a significant increase of 7.70% in forests. Today, it was announced that 4.60 lakh acres of land (jameen) have been distributed to 1.51 lakh people.
With the implementation of the gram panchayat reservation, the dreams of “Maa Vaadu – Maa Raju” have been realized. The reservation for ten percent has increased the confidence of the Girijan tribes. In this way, the ambitious young minister KTR is taking steps to fulfill the aspirations of the tribal and indigenous communities by resolving land disputes and conducting land ceremonies.
Water, funds, regulations are not just words related to initiatives.
Water, forests, land…these are also the backbone of development.
Our Chief Minister KCR is the brave leader who has turned these words into reality.
Under the Mission Bhagiratha scheme, which aims to provide clean water…
From yesterday’s rivers to today’s taps… pic.twitter.com/WZOZQrTDUf
— KTR (@KTRBRS) June 30, 2023