Peddapalli: Minister Koppula Eshwar, the Minister of Social Welfare in Telangana, announced that the Chief Minister KCR is providing clean water to every household through the Mission Bhagiratha project. He revealed this during the Telangana Manchi Neeru Panduga event held at the Dharmaram Mandal center in Peddapalli district. In this context, he met with local representatives and inquired about the progress of the water filtration bed and the functioning of water purification facilities.
Later, the Minister stated that there were complaints about the scarcity of water in every village in Telangana due to the drying up of wells and borewells. He mentioned that there were instances where pipes were being used to draw water from canals, rivers, and ponds. He emphasized that this situation needs to be rectified. Chief Minister KCR has provided clean water to 12,729 villages in Telangana through the Mission Bhagiratha scheme.
The Minister assured that women are happy with the initiatives taken by CM KCR. In this program, MP Mutyala Karunakar, JDP leaders Padmaja Sudharani, Singil Window Chairman Balaran Reddy, and officials of Mission Bhagiratha were also present.