Hyderabad: Minister Harish Rao announced that Asha workers in Telangana are receiving the highest salaries in the country. He stated that the government is responsible for paying the mobile bills of Asha workers. The minister also mentioned that Basti Dawakhana is providing excellent medical services to the people. Furthermore, 15 new Asha workers have been appointed by ministers Talasani Srinivas Yadav and Mahmood Ali, in collaboration with Harish Rao. They have also issued appointment letters to these workers. Additionally, he mentioned that if anyone falls sick, they can go to the Gandhi and Osmania hospitals, as the situation in the state is under control. CM KCR has established 350 Basti Dawakhana centers in Hyderabad, and OPD charges have been waived at Usmania and Gandhi hospitals.
Minister Harish Rao stated that three MCH specialty hospitals are being set up in Greater Hyderabad. He emphasized that they aim to reduce infant mortality rates. He also mentioned that 134 free diagnostic tests are being conducted without any expenses at the Tea-Diagnostics center.
Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav referred to Asha workers’ services as irreplaceable. He stated that healthcare services in Telangana are exemplary and that people are being provided with quality medical care. He also mentioned that the government is striving to improve healthcare facilities in government hospitals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the services of Asha workers have been exceptional. Minister Harish Rao has been hailed as a true doctor for Telangana, as he has worked tirelessly for the welfare of the people. The state government is providing a salary of Rs 9,750 to Asha workers, which is the highest in the country.
In conclusion, the efforts of the Telangana government and Minister Harish Rao in providing high salaries to Asha workers and improving healthcare facilities have been widely appreciated. The appointment of new workers and the establishment of MCH specialty hospitals and Basti Dawakhana centers are steps towards ensuring better healthcare services for the people of Telangana.