Minister G Kamalakar attended welfare day celebrations in Karimnagar on Friday. He participated in the distribution of Kalyana Lakshmi/ Shaadi Mubarak cheques to 104 beneficiaries and distributed 126 sheep as part of a sheep distribution program. The minister also gave Rs 1 lakh financial assistance to caste workers to support their professions. Kamalakar praised CM KCR’s efforts to improve the lives of people in all sections of society.
Kamalakar highlighted that the KCR government has allocated Rs 200 crores for the development of Karimnagar, which is progressing well. He criticized the BJP and Congress for not doing enough for the poor in states where they ruled. The financial assistance program of Rs 1 lakh for BC caste professions started on Friday, and Kamalakar urged beneficiaries to use it to grow financially.
Since the formation of Telangana, 38,026 people in Karimnagar district receive pensions worth Rs 82 crores every month, and students studying abroad receive overseas scholarships worth Rs 20 lakh. City Mayor Yadagiri Sunil Rao, MPPs Pilli Srilatha, Tipparthi Lakshmaiah, and other officials also attended the event.