Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao of the Panchayat Raj Department announced that the temples have regained their former glory under the leadership of Chief Minister KCR. As part of the Telangana Formation Day celebrations, a spiritual festival was conducted on Wednesday. Special prayers were performed at the Someshwara Lakshminarasimha Swamy temple. They also offered prayers at the Kodakandla Church, Torrur Mosque, and Anwar Shareef in Annaram.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister Errabelli highlighted the importance of temples and their contribution to Telangana’s culture and heritage. He mentioned that there has been significant progress in the development of temples in the state. Along with the Yadagirigutta Lakshminarasimha Swamy temple, the restoration and renovation of historical temples like Vemulawada Rajanna, Bhadrakali in Warangal, Ainavolu, and Komuravelli Mallanna have been taking place. Small temples, pillars, and gopurams are being adorned with incense, lamps, and other offerings. CM KCR’s blessings have made Palakurthi, Bhammet, Valmidi, and Karidaar look more beautiful.
With an investment of Rs 62.50 crore, the three temples are undergoing development works. Palakurthi is becoming a renowned sacred place. It is where the great poet Adi Kavi Somnathudu was born. Next to it is Bhammet, where Potana was born, and Valmidi, where Valmiki wrote Ramayana and performed penance for many years. The birthplaces of these poets are now receiving recognition and honor for their contribution to Telugu literature and culture.
In these auspicious times when our ancestors were born, our past merits are being revived. During the Telugu Mahasabhalu held in Hyderabad, Somnathudu’s name was honored in this courtyard. They explained that each temple in the department is being renovated. Rs 3 crore is being spent on the Sevalalayam temple in 1 acre of land, Rs 1 crore on the Chennuru Trikutalayam, Rs 13.91 crore on the Sannuru temple, and Rs 3.55 crore on the Vana Kondaiyya Lakshmi Narasimhaswamy temple. In addition, a special tourist hotel building is being constructed in Palakurthi with an investment of Rs 25 crore. He mentioned that he is fully committed to furthering the development of this region through agriculture.
(Note: The translation provided above may not be perfect but it should give a general idea of the content.)