The Telangana government respects poets and artists, according to Minister for Tribal Welfare Satyavathi Rathod. She recently honored lyricist and singer Godishala Jayaraj, who received the Kaloji Narayana Rao Award-2023 in Mahabubabad. Minister Rathod mentioned that there used to be discrimination against the language and accent of Telangana, but things changed after the separate state was formed. She acknowledged the significant role played by poets and artists in the Telangana Movement, as they inspired people to fight for self-respect. Rathod highlighted Jayaraj’s contribution to the movement, particularly with his song “Vanamma Vanamma Okasaranna Vachi Pove Vanamma.” She also recognized Mahabubabad for producing great artists like Dasaradhi and Jayaraj. Several dignitaries, including Deepika Reddy, Deshapathi Srinivas, Banoth Shankar Naik, T Ravinder Rao, Maloth Kavitha, A Bindu, K Shashanka, and Gundeti Chandramohan, were present at the felicitation ceremony.
Minister acknowledges TS’s special regard for poets and artists
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