Hyderabad Airport Metro Ltd (HAML) Managing Director, NVS Reddy, inspected the Miyapur-Patancheru and LB Nagar-Hayatnagar Metro Phase-II corridors and Mailardevpally-Aramghar-New High Court spur line with his team and engineering experts. They met NH officials to discuss challenges due to existing and new flyovers on the routes.
The LB Nagar-Hayatnagar Metro Phase-II corridor will be an extension of the Metro viaduct at LB Nagar Junction. The alignment will be in the central median up to Chintalkunta Metro station, and then on the left side of the service road towards Hayatnagar due to new flyovers being constructed by NH authorities. The engineering drawings of under construction flyovers and Metro structures will be coordinated to avoid conflicts.
For the Miyapur-Patancheru Metro corridor, the viaduct will mostly be in the central median of NH, except at BHEL Junction. A double-decker flyover-cum-Metro viaduct is being explored for a stretch with underground utilities and a religious structure. HAML will submit drawings for approval.
In the Mailardevpally and New High Court spur line, the Metro alignment will initially be on the left side of PVNR Expressway at Aramghar, then switched to the right side near Agriculture University flyover.