On Sunday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah was welcomed to Chennai by Dr Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy, the Tamil Nadu BJP co-incharge. At a meeting of the Chennai South Parliamentary constituency’s Shakthi Kendra committee, Dr Reddy called upon party members to work towards capturing a sizable number of Lok Sabha seats in the 2024 elections in Tamil Nadu. He also urged them to highlight the achievements of the BJP-led NDA government and expose the misdeeds and failures of the ruling DMK government.
The meeting was presided over by K Annamalai, TNBJP president, and attended by several other leaders, including NainarNagendran, MLA, TNBJP Assembly Floor Leader, Kesava Vinayakan, Organisational GS, H Raja, National Executive Member, Pon Radhakrishnan, National Executive Member, Vanathi Srinivasan, National President of Women’s Wing, Khushboo Sundar, National Executive Member & Member of the National Commission for Women, Karu Nagaraj, State VP, AP Muruganandam, State GS KM Sai Sathyian, District President Chennai East K. Kalidas, and District President South Chennai.