Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is planning an aggressive campaign to highlight the achievements of the BRS government before the upcoming Assembly elections. The campaign will begin after the conclusion of the Telangana Formation Day celebrations on June 21. The aim is to reach out to people and explain the positive impact that the government’s welfare schemes have had on the lives of poorer sections since 2014.
KCR wants to make sure that the Opposition does not gain an upper hand. He plans to visit all districts regularly during the next four months and take part in several development programs. The MLAs will hold rallies and meetings with different communities to address their grievances.
The campaign will focus on development and welfare schemes and seek people’s support to win the election for a third consecutive term. The party will organize meetings with beneficiaries of various schemes by local MLAs and other public representatives in every Assembly constituency.
The Griha Lakshmi scheme and Rs 1 lakh financial assistance for artisans and vocational communities and Dalit Bandhu scheme benefit will be handed over by holding special programs in every mandal from June last week. The party will also launch a campaign with “facts and data” to expose the Opposition’s negative campaign.
KCR feels that the countdown for the Assembly elections will begin in July as the Election Commission is likely to issue the notification in October. Hence, KCR wants to take up an aggressive campaign of the government’s achievements in the next four months. A special campaign program is under preparation to counter the opposition parties’ allegations and accusations on various issues.