The Ekal Abhiyaan Satsang Sadhak Varga program was attended by BJP District President Ramachandra Reddy in Gadwala town today. The program took place behind the Old Housing Board Ayyappa Temple.
Ekal Abhiyan, founded in 1989, aims to establish schools in remote forest areas to promote nation-building. They have set up 102,052 schools across India, focusing on basic education, health education, character education, awareness education, and developmental education for rural and tribal communities.
The Ekal Abhiyan Schools provide basic education to children in rural tribal villages, enabling them to pursue higher education. The program also emphasizes cleanliness, local sports, moral values, and conducts health camps twice a year to support the well-being and development of students.
In addition to providing free medicines and skilled medical services to rural communities, Ekal Abhiyan conducts health camps in every school twice a year. There is a special project targeting the eradication of anemia in children aged two to ten years. Participants in the program included Raghavachari, Sridhar, Ramakrishna, Basavaraju, Tirumalarao, Sumalatha, Elluri Rammohan, Satyavani, and others.