A Mandala Samaikya meeting was held at the MPDO office in Julapally mandal on Friday. The meeting was organized by Sakhi Centre and District Women’s Empowerment Centre to raise awareness. Dara Veni Swapna, the Administrator of Sakhi Centre, explained the five types of services offered by the center, including domestic violence, dowry harassment, trafficking of girls at workplace, cybercrime, and women’s rights.
Jabu Sucharita, a gender specialist, spoke about gender equality, gender discrimination, POCSO Act, and Child Marriage Act. Kanakam Asrita, a case worker at Sakhi Centre, provided information about various helpline numbers such as 100, 108, 112, 1930, 181, and 1098. Chandru Swapna, a District Mahila Sadhikarika Gender Specialist, gave a brief explanation about Central Schemes, E Shram Card, PMSBY, PMJJBY, and PMJDY.
The chief guest at the meeting was DPM Tirupati. APM Sudhakar, OBs, VOs, women, and others also participated in the program.