The recent meeting of four BRS MLAs with Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has caused a political stir. Now, another BRS MLA named Prakash Goud from the Rajendranagar Constituency has also met with Revanth Reddy, which has raised concerns among BRS political circles. During the meeting, Revanth’s friend Vem Narender Reddy was also present. They discussed various matters for about an hour. It is worth mentioning that Revanth Reddy and Prakash Goud used to work together in the Telugu Desam Party before. Prakash Goud won from TDP in the 2009 and 2014 elections, but he joined BRS after the 2014 elections.
Today, there will be a Chevella parliamentary constituency meeting. The Rajendranagar Assembly seat falls under the Chevella Parliamentary Constituency. Therefore, Prakash Goud’s meeting with the Chief Minister has become a matter of concern for BRS. Recently, Prakash Goud met Minister Ponnam Prabhakar Goud, but he clarified that the meeting was solely for constituency-related work purposes.
When asked about his meeting with Revanth Reddy, Prakash Goud stated that he met him to discuss the issues and problems faced by his constituency. He expressed that Revanth responded positively when he requested funds for the development of the constituency.