The Vijayawada kidney racket case has taken a new turn, with mediator Venkat responding to accusations made against him. Venkat denied claims by Garlapati Madhu Babu that he was cheated, saying Madhu Babu is actually the one behind the kidney racket scheme.
Venkat explained that he is not involved in kidney dealings and accused Madhu Babu of planning the entire scenario to extort money from a doctor. He stated that he only provided legal guidance and charged for services like affidavits. Venkat emphasized that he does not promote donors or participate in financial transactions related to kidneys.
Madhu Babu, a small-time businessman from Guntur, was financially struggling after the COVID-19 pandemic. He met a person named Basha on social media who suggested selling a kidney for money. Basha introduced Madhu Babu to Venkat, promising him Rs 30 lakh for his kidney. Madhu Babu underwent surgery at a hospital in Vijayawada where his kidney was removed and transplanted.
After the surgery, Madhu Babu was given only Rs 1.10 lakh instead of the promised amount. When he demanded the rest of the money, Venkat questioned his right to it since he had signed documents as a donor. Feeling cheated, Madhu Babu filed a complaint with the police against Dr Sarath Babu and the mediators.
The incident has attracted attention and is under investigation, with conflicting narratives from both sides.