Venkatram Reddy, the BRS MP candidate in Medak, recently visited polling booths in Narsapur town, Daultabad, and Kaudupalli to observe the voting process. He also spoke to the media about the ongoing election.
Reddy praised the election arrangements and commended everyone for following the election code properly. He stressed the importance of voting, calling it a weapon and a tool for solving public problems. Reddy encouraged the public to participate in the electoral process to hold public representatives accountable and bring about positive change.
During his visit, Reddy reminded voters that they had until six o’clock in the evening to cast their ballots. He passionately appealed to his fellow citizens to exercise their right to vote, expressing hope that increased voter turnout would lead to a more democratic and representative government.
Overall, Reddy’s message at the polling booths was clear: voting is a powerful tool that must be used to shape the future of the Medak constituency.