The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has initiated a process to identify buildings in the city that are deemed “dangerous” in order to either demolish or repair them before the monsoon season, an official announced on Tuesday. The civic body has requested its field staff to begin the yearly survey of buildings and houses in their respective areas, with a circular titled ‘Pre Monsoon Measures’ being issued on April 6. The MCD has emphasized that if a house is found to be in a dangerous state, demolition action should not be delayed. The survey is expected to end by June 30. In light of the upcoming monsoon season, it is important that the identification of such dangerous buildings is completed before June 30 so that appropriate measures can be taken to prevent any mishap causing inconvenience to the public at large and resulting in loss of life and property. The MCD has urged its officers to exercise power under section 348 of the DMC Act (Removal of the dangerous building) and section 349 of the DMC Act (power to order building to be vacated), and to take all necessary precautionary measures. Furthermore, all municipal buildings, including schools, hospitals, dispensaries, staff quarters, zonal offices, JE stores, community halls/centres, sports complexes and other municipal buildings should be checked and necessary repairs should be carried out.
MCD Survey Conducted to Determine Whether Buildings Should Be Demolished or Repaired Due to Safety Concerns
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