Hyderabad City Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi, along with Commissioner Ronald Rose and Deputy Mayor Srilatha Shobhan Reddy, hoisted the national flag at GHMC headquarters. The Mayor, Commissioner, and EVDM Director Prakash Reddy received the police salute. Many officials from different departments, including ENC Zia Uddin and Additional Commissioners Sneha Sabarish, Saroja, Vijayalakshmi, V Krishna, Jayaraj Kennedy, Yadagiri Rao, Upender Reddy, Geeta Madhavi, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Padmaja, and Chief Entomologist Dr. Rambabu, were present at the event.
Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi spoke about various projects being carried out in GHMC limits. These projects include SRDP, Project Works, HRDCL, Engineering and Maintenance, Roads, CRMP, Storm Water Drains, Model Grave Yards, De-silting, Multi Purpose Function Halls, Foot over Bridge, SNDP, Basti Dawakhanas, Pet Crematorium, Sanitation, Construction Waste Recycling Plant, Public Toilets Urban Community Department, Sports, and other developmental works.