BSP President Mayawati has demanded that the Uttar Pradesh government start conducting a caste survey without delay. She believes this is the only way to ensure justice for the OBCs, despite some parties being against it. Mayawati stated that the caste census data conducted by the Bihar government is currently making headlines and sparking intense discussions. She sees this as the first step in the long struggle for the constitutional rights of OBCs. Mayawati also expressed her satisfaction with the shift in favor of the neglected ‘Bahujan Samaj’ in the country’s politics, causing even the most extreme anti-caste and anti-Mandal groups to worry about their future.
Mayawati emphasized that while the Uttar Pradesh government should conduct a caste census or survey immediately, the real solution can only be found when the Central government conducts a caste census at the national level and grants them their rightful rights. The caste survey conducted by the Nitish Kumar government in Bihar revealed that OBCs and EBCs make up 63% of the state’s total population. Bihar’s total population is slightly over 13.07 crore, with Extremely Backward Classes being the largest social segment at 36%, followed by Other Backward Classes at 27.13%.