Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati accused the Telangana government of neglecting the Dalit community during an election meeting in Peddapalli town. She criticized the KCR government for only giving lip service to Dalits and focusing on securing votes instead of addressing their needs. Mayawati emphasized the importance of Dr BR Ambedkar’s constitution in providing education, employment, and political opportunities to oppressed communities. She highlighted the BRS government’s negligence in addressing broader issues such as education, employment, and political representation for Dalits. Mayawati called for the nationwide implementation of Mandal Commission recommendations and Kanshiram’s advocacy for reservations in education and employment for socially and economically disadvantaged groups. She expressed concern over the lack of reservations in the private sector and criticized the Congress and BJP for failing to deliver justice to marginalized communities. Mayawati also advocated for reservation policies in the private sector, citing the successful implementation in Uttar Pradesh during her tenure. She assured that the BSP is committed to upholding the rights of all communities and working for their welfare unlike the Congress and BJP.
Mayawati accuses BRS of neglecting Dalits in Peddapalli
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