The central government has allocated Rs 1,365 crore for the AIIMS in Bibinagar, Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri district. This funding will be used to improve healthcare facilities at AIIMS and expand its infrastructure. The expansion plan includes a 700-bed hospital, a 100-seat medical college, a 60-seat nursing college, and a 30-bed Ayush department. The state government has also sanctioned a medical college in the same district and will lay the foundation stone for another medical college in Yadagirigutta town. Nalgonda and Suryapet have already established their own medical colleges. These developments will make Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri district a hub for advanced medical facilities and education, benefiting many residents. The entire Erstwhile Nalgonda district will experience a significant transformation in healthcare services.
Massive Central Funding Provided to Bibinagar AIIMS
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