The Hyderabad Commissioner’s Task Force Central Zone Team, along with Begum Bazar police, has arrested a person who was involved in a begging scam. The person, identified as Banavath Rama Krishna, was running a fake charity called ‘Sri Krishna Foundation’ and cheating people by asking for money. The police have seized various items including a bike, collection boxes, foundation stickers, registration forms, cash of Rs 1,000, and other documents.
Rama Krishna, who is 39 years old and works as a car driver, was in charge of the Sri Krishna Foundation in Medchal-Malkajgiri. He had previously worked for another foundation called ‘Good Way Foundation’ for physically challenged individuals. In 2017, he decided to start his own foundation to make easy money. He collaborated with two other individuals named Ravi and Ganesh and established the Sri Krishna Foundation in Boduppal.
Their plan was to run the foundation under the pretext of helping physically challenged individuals.