RPF staff at Secunderabad Railway Station found a man with a bag holding cash worth Rs 37,50,000. The staff, following instructions from Mahesh M Bhagwat, detained the man during a routine check for the general MP elections. The man, identified as P Laxman Ram from Tamil Nadu, did not have valid documents for the cash and could not provide a satisfactory explanation. As a result, the cash was seized under proper procedures.
The RPF staff acted quickly and informed their superiors and the Returning Officer in Sanath Nagar about the incident. The seized cash was then handed over to the Income Tax department in Hyderabad for further action.
The man, P Laxman Ram, was apprehended near gate no 03 at the middle foot over bridge on Platform No.01 of Secunderabad Railway Station. The bag he was carrying contained the substantial amount of cash. The RPF staff conducted the checking as part of their duties related to the upcoming elections.
The incident highlights the importance of following proper procedures when carrying large sums of cash and the role of law enforcement in ensuring transparency during elections.