The Hyderabad cyber crime police recently arrested a man named Binde Pavan Kalyan for cheating someone out of Rs 5.73 lakh by promising them a job at a Multi-National Company. The victim had received a call offering an online data entry job and was convinced to pay Rs 2,000 to start the work. Unfortunately, the scammer, Pavan, kept asking for more money for various reasons, totaling over Rs 5.73 lakh.
Pavan, who is 38 years old and from Illandhu in Khammam district, had previously run an internet cafe and was looking for ways to make money illegally. He had posted fake job offers on the ‘LOKEL’ app as a consultant manager for a company called ‘TQR’. He would ask job seekers to pay Rs 2,000 for registration and then continue to demand more money under false pretenses.
The victim who fell for Pavan’s scam eventually realized they had been duped and reported the incident to the cyber crime police on February 8. Despite paying the demanded amounts, Pavan stopped responding to the victim after taking a total of Rs 5,73,208. The police were able to track down Pavan and arrest him for his fraudulent activities.