A 32-year-old man in Hyderabad was arrested for allegedly killing his wife because he suspected her of having an affair. The man, identified as Pradeep Bhola, worked at a hotel and was married to Madhu Smitha Pradhan from Odisha. They lived in Uppal with their 10-month-old son, and Pradeep worked at Konard Tiffin Centre.
The police said Pradeep believed his wife was having an affair because she used her phone frequently, leading to arguments between them. During a fight on Friday night, Pradeep hit Madhu Smitha on the head with a rolling pin and then strangled her with a rope while she was unconscious. He then tried to hide her body in a drum in the bathroom before fleeing the house, locking it behind him.
Neighbors called the police after noticing a bad smell coming from the house. When the police arrived, they broke in and found Madhu Smitha’s body wrapped in a bag in the bathroom. They believed she had been killed about four days earlier. A search operation was launched, and Pradeep was caught in Begumpet the next day. He has been taken into judicial custody.
The accused has been charged with the murder of his wife and is awaiting trial.