The Samajwadi Party and Rashtriya Lok Dal are against the film “Adipurush” and want it banned. They say the movie has “cheap and superficial dialogues” and is part of an agenda. The SP also criticized the BJP over the issue. SP’s Akhilesh Yadav said the Censor Board should check the “political character certificate” of those who make films with an agenda. Shivpal Yadav said people are trying to belittle Lord Ram’s story with “cheap and superficial dialogues.” Swami Prasad Maurya also attacked the BJP for the movie’s language and insult to “sanatan dharma”. RLD demanded the movie be banned and the makers apologize for hurting religious sentiments.
Makers of ‘Adipurush’ asked to apologize and face ban demand by Samajwadi Party & Rashtriya Lok Dal
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