The deadline for withdrawal of nominations ended on November 15. The Congress leadership successfully persuaded most rebel candidates to withdraw their nominations after holding talks with them. Patel Ramesh Reddy from Suryapet, who had fielded himself from All India Forward Bloc, and others like Bala Raju (Banswada), S Gangaram (Jukkal), Nehru Naik (Dornakal), Janga Raghava Reddy (Warangala (W)), and D Ram Reddy (Ibrahimpatnam) withdrew their nominations. However, there are still some constituencies where the problem persists, such as Adilabad where Sanjeev Reddy has the backing of important local leaders.
In Suryapet, there was a high drama when party leaders visited Ramesh Reddy’s residence to persuade him to withdraw his nomination. Despite their visit, Ramesh Reddy, who had already started campaigning as a Forward Bloc candidate, initially refused to listen. Eventually, after hours of persuasion and a promise of a future MP ticket from Nalgonda position, Ramesh Reddy was convinced to withdraw his nomination.
A video of Ramesh Reddy and his family members crying over the denial of a ticket by the Congress went viral last week after the party decided to give the ticket to Ramreddy Damodar Reddy.