The Hyderabad Cycling community has launched a 30-day Active Mobility Challenge to encourage more people in Hyderabad to use bicycles and public transportation. The goal is to have 50% of Hyderabadis adopt active mobility by 2030.
Participants in the challenge must record their active mobility movements, such as using the metro, bus, or MMTS. They can share pictures on social media with the hashtag #ActiveMobility and post on the Strava app, tagging Hyderabad Cycling Revolution (HCR).
Active mobility is important in cities like Hyderabad as it helps reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and promotes citizen health. The cycling community hopes to motivate people to incorporate active mobility into their daily routines and suggests using bicycles or public transportation for at least two out of every 10 trips made in a week.
Santhana Selvan, Bicycle Mayor of Hyderabad, envisions 50% of residents using active mobility for half of their transportation needs. The Active Mobility Challenge runs from April 1 to April 30, with participants receiving a certificate upon completion.
The ultimate goal is for infrastructure and public behavior in Hyderabad to support 50% of weekly trips using active mobility. This vision aims to improve traffic congestion and the city’s overall quality index. Ravi Sambari of HCR emphasized the importance of the 30-day Active Mobility Challenge in raising awareness about this vision.