The Ramalingeswara Swamy Abhayanjaneya Navagraha Nandeeshwara flag pole installation Mahotsavam was celebrated in Dusakal village in Farooqnagar Mandal. The villagers worked together to organize the event, with the support of village sarpanch Muralidhar Reddy and village elders. Former Shadnagar MLA Choulapalli Pratap Reddy attended the celebration and spoke about the importance of spirituality and developing temples in the area.
Mahbubnagar MP Manne Srinivas Reddy and Raja Varaprasad, Chairman of State Cooperative Cooperative Limited, were also present and received honors. Pratap Reddy expressed gratitude to all the communities who contributed to the spiritual service programs for the development of the temple over the past five days. Sarpanch Muralidhar Reddy, former Sarpanch Jagadish, LingaramYadaiah, Anjaneyu, Nagaraju Sridhar Reddy, and others participated in the program, which included spiritual service and food donation programs.
The villagers were happy with the success of the event and expressed their willingness to continue supporting similar initiatives in the future.