Kollywood actor Kamal Haasan unveiled a life-sized statue of veteran actor Ghattamaneni Krishna in the KDGO Park in Guru Nanak Colony, Vijayawada. Kamal Haasan expressed his pleasure and shared memories with the veteran actor. He was in Vijayawada for the shooting of his movie “Indian 2”. YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) Vijayawada East constituency incharge Devineni Avinash and deputy mayor Bellam Durga were present at the event.
Devineni Avinash thanked Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy for making the installation of Krishna’s statue possible within a short span of ten days. He also expressed gratitude to Kamal Haasan for taking out time from his busy schedule to unveil the statue. Fans of Ghattamaneni Krishna and Mahesh Babu were thrilled to see the statue, especially as it coincided with Krishna’s first death anniversary in a week.
Mahesh Babu took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his gratitude to Kamal Haasan and Devineni Avinash for attending the event and unveiling Krishna garu’s statue. He thanked the fans for their love and support.
[Image Source: https://www.newstap.in/h-upload/2023/11/10/1559289-kamal-haasan-unveils-krishna-statue.webp]