The Madiga community’s votes are crucial in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections, with the potential to sway the outcome in several constituencies. They have long been advocating for sub-categorization within the Scheduled Caste (SC) category, feeling that benefits have been primarily received by the Malas, leaving the Madigas marginalized. The 2011 census revealed that Madigas make up at least 50% of the SC population in Telangana.
Leaders from the Madiga community have expressed concerns that dominant caste groups like the Malas and Munnuru Kapus have monopolized benefits intended for SCs and BCs. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pledge to address this issue by sub-categorizing Madigas has garnered support for the BJP. Meanwhile, the Congress party’s promise of a caste survey to rectify inequalities may also influence Madiga voters.
There are differing opinions within the Madiga community regarding political alliances. Some believe in supporting parties that prioritize caste-based surveys, while others feel disenchanted with the Congress for neglecting their interests. This shift in allegiance is evident in constituencies with significant SC populations like Warangal, Peddapalli, and Nagarkurnool, where the BJP’s promises on sub-categorization are resonating.
Discontent within the Madiga community has been fueled by recent nominations favoring other caste groups in key constituencies. As a result, a sizable portion of the community has openly declared their support for the BJP. The Bhongir seat, with a substantial SC population, is also leaning towards the BJP due to promises of sub-categorization.
Despite these developments, there are expectations that influential leaders like R S Praveen Kumar could sway a portion of Madiga votes, potentially impacting electoral outcomes.