In Hyderabad, the city police filed a case against BJP Lok Sabha candidate Madhavi Latha for allegedly offending the religious sentiments of a specific community. She was accused of making a gesture towards a mosque during the Sri Rama Navami Shobha Yatra in Begum Bazar.
The case was registered after a resident of First Lancer complained to the Begum Bazar police. The complainant claimed that since Madhavi Latha was announced as the BJP candidate for Hyderabad, she had been making anti-Muslim remarks. The gesture she made allegedly caused distress to the Muslim community.
The police have filed a case under IPC section 295(A) and 125 of RP Act against Madhavi Latha and are conducting an investigation. Legal action will be taken after issuing a notice to her. During the Rama Navami Shobha Yatra on April 17, she was seen making the controversial gesture, which was captured in a viral video. However, Madhavi Latha denied the allegations, stating that the video was manipulated by some individuals to harm her campaign.