With the new e-KYC update, LPG consumers in Hyderabad are rushing to gas agencies. However, the Telangana State LPG Distributors Association wants to inform consumers that they don’t need to visit the gas agency offices for e-KYC. Instead, the delivery boys can do it at the consumer’s doorstep.
The President of the TS LPG Distributors Association, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has appealed to consumers not to come to the offices for KYC. He mentioned that there is no fixed deadline for gas KYC and the Centre has ordered the completion of KYC at consumers’ homes. Jagan Mohan assured consumers not to worry.
He also stated that there have been no orders regarding the implementation of the Rs 500 cylinder guarantee provided by the Congress government. It is recommended to complete the KYC through a special app on the delivery boys’ smartphones. If anyone has not completed KYC for any reason, they can still go to the agency offices.